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Zaxe X3'ünüzle Nasıl Daha Hızlı Baskı Alınır


One of the best things about 3D printing is the quick turnaround rates you can’t achieve with any other manufacturing method. 3D printing is fast and the devices are getting faster every year but the speed of additive manufacturing can still be not enough in some cases.

Thanks to the Core XY system that we have on our Zaxe 3D Printers, you will already be getting a fairly fast 3D printing experience. But there are always ways to make the process faster in case you need to print something in a limited amount of time.

Zaxe X3 - Change Printing Speed
Zaxe X3 - Increase the Layer Height
Zaxe X3 - Decrease the Infill Density
Zaxe X3 - Change the Infill Pattern
Zaxe X3 - Adjust Support Angles
Zaxe X3 - Change the Orientation of the Model
Zaxe X3 - Use a Bigger Nozzle

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